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Shari Kingston
6 min read
Stop Letting Your Imposter Syndrome Run the Show--Let's Shut Down Its Power to Control Your Thoughts and Communication
This imposter syndrome is our inner villain that blurts out anything it can to pull us down when we're trying to grow and improve ourselves.

Shari Kingston
2 min read
What is Local Organic SEO and would your business benefit from it?
Local organic SEO (search engine optimization) is a strategic marketing method that focuses on improving the online visibility of LOCAL...

Shari Kingston
10 min read
The Entrepreneur's Silent Struggle--Mental Health & Stress
Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and even the TV are overflowing with the Cinderella stories of entrepreneurial success, dreamers hitting it...

Shari Kingston
6 min read
How Do I Find My Life's Purpose?
We all yearn for it.... PURPOSE. Like some special God-given name tag we want to wear proudly through-out our life that says, "My life's...

Shari Kingston
3 min read
How Do You Find Creativity & Innovation for Your Business?
How many of you turn to Google as your creative muse? You need to come up with a new idea or it's time to reboot an existing one and...
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